Sums up Disco Elysium.
While those games are very heavy on the text there’s usually still a pretty strong visual element.
Or Persona
Never played a Persona game, which would you recommend on Steam for a first time player?
Persona 5 (with or without Royal) is the newest one, with all the streamlining and quality of life improvements - it’s a solid first choice regardless of your JRPG experience.
Persona 3 Portable and 4 Golden are older and lack some of the newer features, might be a bit more tedious, depending on how strongly you feel about modern streamlining. Otherwise, both hold up really well.
Persona 3 Reload is P3 but with (some?) improvements from P5R and should feel relatively familiar to that from the gameplay perspective.
There are also older games (but they might be a rough introduction depending on how dependent you are on modern gameplay sensibilities) and spin-offs (which are better choice after you have some familiarity with the franchise, in my opinion).
TLDR: If you want a shiny and polished game to start go with P5R then choose whichever other game strikes your fancy. All games have their own themes and atmosphere so there’s something for everyone. if you have not seen this reply already
I’d like to know too
Different content, but assassin’s creed 2 crammed so many history lessons into their side quests. I loved that so much 💖
sounds like Planescape Torment
I don’t “play” visual novels expecting gameplay, much like how I don’t play games for the story. Though there are times where I am surprised by actual gameplay in a VN or when a game that’s already fun to play also has an amazing story.
I mostly treat them as Choose Your Own Adventure books, but digital, and with more pictures.
Main reason I can’t stand the modern pokemon games. Sooo much dialogue…