I think I did the caption thing right. Hi everyone
You’ll do just fine with a gorgeous body like that 😘
Let’s push those aside and I’ll slide in as I suck on those nips 😏
Cheating on a body like that?
I just don’t get why he did it anyway I was so gd 2 him
His loss is our gain I guess. Hopefully you can process and move on quickly. Don’t look back.
Ye as quick as I can! Best way to ge ova sum1 is to ger unda sum1 ain’t it
wow those pale nipples are hella cute
His loss, that’s a free boner for you
Omg haha ty
Damn you are fine 🔥🔥🔥
He deserves not a single second more of your attention. You’re beautiful and it’s his loss! Welcome to Lemmy!
If ya want to really piss them off I have some ideas on other things we could do 😈
You look amazing. Welcome newby!
TY hope evry1 is nice in here, i know im not like the hottest woman in the world like just feeling proper low atm
The attention of others do not constitute your worth.
Don’t post nudes that may live on beyond your intention because of an ex.
U got all philisocfical on me then haha I don’t mind tbh I kinda like it
Most are nice and you look amazing. Don’t doubt yourself.
Incredibly body and the panties and socks combo is so hot
Really; you look amazing. Hope you post more! In this or other (or no…) outfits!
Well he’s a fucking idiot for cheating on you, I don’t think I could go a single day without touching that body. Hope you get over him quickly!
Really! Thank you so much! Ye fuck tha guy wa an assole!
Damn, you’re so hot
Welcome! You look absolutely stunning 😍