I hope everyone is having a great day!

I’ve been considering how the community could use one or two more mods. So as you can see by the title of the post, now is the time if you "always wanted to become a mod.lol

Ideally, I’d like to have at least one more mod, someone who lives in a US timezone, but you can still “apply” if you don’t live there. (I’m in EU timezone.)

I honestly don’t really care if you barely posted/ commented or if you are just a lurker, anyone is welcome to apply. As long as you tell me why you’d like to be a mod, and what is your timezone you will be considered.

Besides these, you probably won’t have much to do. The community is pretty small, and I haven’t had to use the stick yet. But having one or two more mods would be nice, just in case something happens while I’m not here.

Ok that’s all. :)