Cowbee [he/him]

Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

  • 6 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023

  • Cowbee [he/him]@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlPolitical mindset evolution
    22 minutes ago

    In theory yes. In reality all socialist systems had surprisingly few changes of leadership after one guy rose to power of the “socialist” movement or party

    There are numerous reasons for this. Stability in protecting revolution and genuine popular support are among the larger and more important reasons.

    And they don’t really seem to trust their citizens to be socialist without a lot of fear, censorship, spying, silencing critics…

    Neither are Capitalist states, and neither was Marx. Combatting international Capitalist influence was and is key for retaining Socialism.

    It’s almost as if the majority of humans reject socialism. Which is weird but true.

    Not true at all, actually. Those controlling the media want you to think it though.

  • Cowbee [he/him]@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlPolitical mindset evolution
    25 minutes ago

    DemSoc itself is a bad term. It either is used to refer to Reformist Socialism (which is an impossibility and thus akin to astrology) or to pretend Marxist Socialism isn’t democratic, advocating for factionalism and other possibilities of Socialism itself being destroyed by international moneyed interests and domestic wreckers.

  • Alright, next we have the blue team, which is the opposite of all those things, at the exceedingly high cost of… getting cockblocked by the red team when they try to implement those things… and… well there was that time Bill lied about getting a blowjob- outrageous! Surely the red team does a better job of keeping it in their pants… *checks* …uhh, nope! Fuck, I’m starting to become aware of my own cognitive dissonance and it feels like absolute shit.

    The DNC isn’t to the opposite of the GOP, they are aligned on the vast majority of issues and use the rest to yap loudly in disagreement. Dems aren’t left.

    During all ^that I wandered into the military which gave me access to all kinds of socialized resources which have enabled me to get where I’m at now and have made a pretty significant improvement on my life.

    Social programs aren’t socialized, that’s a bit of a misnomer.

  • No, I have a lot of experience in liberal organizations and they are not, despite the memes, closer to conservatism than progressivism.

    Perhaps if you redefine progressivism.

    The major differences between a liberal and a social democrat or progressive comes down largely to deciding when a market has failed and when to use government intervention, both Liberals and progressives are fine with intervention, only the threshold changea. We want the same things, mostly, but disagree on how to get them.

    Yep, you redefined it.

    Conservatives, philosophical Conservatives anyway, won’t typically even consider such a thing, and often do not even want the same things as Liberals or progressives.

    Conservatives often do, and the distance between genuine progressivism and liberalism is shorter than liberalism and conservativism.

    This both sides same stuff just hurts progressive causes, because it sours mushy people with little to no real philosophy on voting for liberal parties. Those people flip flop back to Conservatives when they get angry and we lose the progress we’ve made, as is about to happen in Canada.

    Electoralism will not save you.

  • Well I compare the extreme left with the extreme right since it is basically the same imho. Different reasoning for the mindset of “what’s not with us is against us”.

    No offense, but this is a childish view of politics. The extreme left is categorized by trying to care for the entire population, the extreme right is categorized by intense nationalism, xenphobia, and brutal class stratification.

    Communists committed the same crimes as the Nazis so of into the same cell and the key is best disposed of.

    No, they did not. Read Blackshirts and Reds. The Communists and the Nazis represented entirely different groups, and the Communists dramatically improved the lives of their citizenry while the Nazis brutally crushed them.

    And the other big problem with pure socialism:

    Why hasn’t it worked yet? No Utopia as of yet, only repression, human rights violation and death.

    It has worked and continues to work. Read more than US state propaganda. Utopianism is anti-Marxist, Marxists advocate for Scientific Socialism.

    It’s as if the human factor is the point where there is change needed, not the system itself.

    This is Idealism. What’s considered Human Nature is expressed and reinforced by the system itself, the Mode of Production.

    Read a book sometime.