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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • Different, but still hiring fuckery

    Friend applied for a job, database admin, HR called to set-up and interview. Two days later he got an email from the IT department, of that company, telling him that they weren’t actually supposed to be responding to applicants for the position. He emailed asking if the posted position had been filled, and then received weirdly worded response saying yes, but implying that it never opened for that particular job post. Then they stopped communicating with him. They were just posting jobs they weren’t hiring for.

    He passed it all off to a link for, employment law, at the city chamber of commerce. Not that anything would be done.

  • Are you saying seizing other people’s lands, and expelling them, gives you the right to exist there? The zionists entered a place that was decolonizing from the British, and began buying land, that was already occupied, from the British, then began expanding, refusing to hire, or do business with, anyone who wasn’t jewish, and expelling the people originally there. You claim that imperialist expansionism is bad, but the moment someone points out that this behavior is the root of this conflict, you jump to the side of the colonizers. You can’t have it both ways. Either you are fine with colonial expansionism, or you agree that people being colonized can route the colonizers.

  • Are you being disingenuous here? Are you intentionally ignoring the media driven campaigns about things like DEI initiatives, the decades of lies about how affirmative action work, etc.? You know, the ones that have gone from being popular, to being one of the most common talking points for the right wing, in the past decade? The one that started calling out specific government offices first, then universities, then tech companies, moved onto big box stores with target, etc.? The one that has caused people to go into stores and start trashing the place? The one that has inspired a torrent of threats against these entities, and their employees? The one that has caused multiple mass shooters to ad things like DEI to their list grievances that convinced them to be a terrorist? The one that has been made to open the door for it to be a point of legislation? The one that is going on as we speak?

  • Yeah, people act like a site with half a billion users somehow is only representative of a very niche population contained within reddit. I also love the “well I saw x posted here yesterday and people loved it! Here it is today, and people hate it! reddit can’t make up its mind!”, as if reddit is a monolith, they took the hive-mind shit-talk literally. Then that same person will complain when that reddit is a hive mind…

    My guy, this is just how people are. You are in a place where the group is large enough that you, in the population statistics sense, are getting a snapshot of humanity.