Art in my heart, but mischief on the mind.

  • Videographer
  • Cat lover
  • Horror enthusiast

I occasionally make absurdist comedy videos on Salutation Nation

  • 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • My week was great! I took some sunset pictures with a friend and wore a dress I like, and made my first facebook post in over a year with them. My last post was from before my transition, so I was nervous that I’d get a lot of shock and negative reactions. It’s Facebook, after all. However, everybody was SO kind and just had lovely things to say, and some people reached out to me in private to ask how they should refer to me. That made me happy

  • My transition’s been going decently well. I’m only about a year into HRT, so I have some physical changes yet to go, and possible surgery on the horizon, but socially things have been going really good! I am out at work, at home, and with all my friends, and it’s been nice to be called Astrid by qll the people in my life.

    More often than not, I look in the mirror and like the person I see. Sometimes I worry that I am still visually exactly the same when other people look at me, but what can ya do 🤷‍♀️

  • I had this building feeling that it was something I wanted for myself, and it was growing for a long time as I came to understand more about my identity. I was also deeply afraid though, so I totally get what you mean. I thought that I’d have to commit all the way from the get-go, and that sudden physical changes would mess up my life.

    I talked with a transgender friend of mine, and he reassured me that it was ok not to know my destination, and I could just start E on a low dose, go slow, and see how I feel. It’s a lot less frightening when you know you can change your mind whenever.

    I just ended up finding that the longer I was on it, the more like “myself” I felt, and that point where I changed my mind never came. It is so much easier to get started on something big like transitioning if you take it a tiny bit at a time and check with yourself to see if you’re still on the right path for you.