• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • The lump I discovered in my neck was my left superclavicular lymph node (the lymph node just above my collar bone at the base of my neck.) After two months (two rounds of two chemo treatments) the lump in my neck is gone. I also had tumors in the lymph nodes in front of my heart. I’m feeling pretty good. I haven’t had any nausea, though I’m feeling a bit queasy these days. I’m half way between chemo treatments. I get them every other Friday. I hadn’t lost much hair but noticed a couple of days ago that half of my eyebrows were missing. They are shrinking from the outside in toward the bridge of my nose. I look like I have bushy Rotweiller eyebrows. I get another PET scan in two weeks to see how the tumors are reacting. When I’m done with chemo in January I will get radiation to mop up the last of the tumors if there is any evidence of active desease.

    So, all in all I’m doing really well. Thanks for asking.