Bugs you find in new relases? Donate now to make them dissappear!
Bugs you find in new relases? Donate now to make them dissappear!
Sounds like you can steal or fake things
Seems incomplete tho
Oh, I didnt knew enough about SPD. I see.
The left seems like the most important choice. I hope they will be heared
If you mean the AfD which are actual Nazis, they never had power yet but gain much more traction recently sadly. Even Elon Musk loves AfD but he a Nazi too, so no wonder things gained traction with his twitter/X.
Everything that were in government, was pretty left wing except the CDU which was… well they were lobbyistic but not that far right. But today they are.
Compared to Putin, Trump is only allowed to be President for 8Years.
I had a visualization of trump being elected.
Pure chaos and destruction. I compared it to a burning forest.
Its not bad that the forest burned down to ashes. The ash helps the new plants to grow a new Forest. A beautifuly reset.
I hope this kinda happens for America, because its a shit show there with lifelong debts and pure capitalism sucking every Human out, only for a single CEO to enjoy his own life more.
Well, our society is everything else, than Logical
I think there is a differrnce of Germany before EU and after EU
Sounds fractal
Its that simple.
I can expand my own creativity and store every thought and creative Art, without anybody being able to find out after my death or while someone raids me.
Maybe I stored an opinion against some president, and maybe the government changed its working, which allows police to raid someone for little suspection.
You never know if you ever have something to hide. While things are okay now and today, it might be highly illegal tomorrow.
Those are ideas. But generally its only about the feeling of privacy.
As soon as the algorithm is deployed, a lot of damage will be done. Doesnt mattwr what the US is controlling there. Brainrot will still happen in those kids, giving them a harder time in School
I also heard that the same functions are also possible in bash with plugins.
Maybe start with “oh-my-bash”?
Fish is even more advanced with this.
But I still prefer ZSH because of shell language being incompatible with fish. I dislike learning that thing, when I have everywhere new Linux shells with bash
I partly remember the first letter and press arrow up.
I use ZSH shell with oh-my-zsh. It autofills the rest with history at the point you write. So arrow keys make you scroll through the history which is beginning with the thing you wrote
Which bad now? Bad? BAd? BAD? or baD? bAD? or just BaD or bAd?
I still got a Pixel 5 with Graphene OS. Its 3 Years Old. Is it bad because its not a new phone?
Damn, yeah. I should start to create a chart of how truthful articles are and automatically remove them from search.
I can see how lost the articles are sometimes, following money.
A tenth of a Pound must be soo big!