I figure every day I’m high on the couch, I’m not out doing anything that costs money. I at least break even, I’m sure.
I figure every day I’m high on the couch, I’m not out doing anything that costs money. I at least break even, I’m sure.
But that’s hunting for sport. Those are it’s natural prey.
Do cats kill other cats outside of a perceived threat to their life?
We foster-adopted a porch kitty. We took him to the vet, scanned his chip and it turns out he’s owned by a house a block away. When we contacted them, they said "Just put him outside. We did, and he was back that afternoon.
Our other cats stay inside. We don’t let them out, but we let Todd out when he wants, and we let him in when he wants.
He’s in my house 90% of the time now that it’s freezing out.
His owners probably haven’t seen him in months, but they know where we live and where to find him, so I don’t think they really care, but technically, we haven’t stolen him.
I’d probably try anything new, if available, to determine if I like the flavor or not, and go back to the ones I enjoy.
Sounds like racist asshole logic. It’s not worth trying to communicate with them.
You learned a valuable lesson. Nobody is who they say they are online. Except me, I actually am a big tiddy teenage girl.
Spelling it that way implies you are pushing up your imaginary glasses as you say it in the nerdiest voice you can muster.
I think the legal bar would be whether or not consumers could infer that you are associated with the company who makes the game being named.
No! If the pissdroppollets get in the cloud, we’re DOOMED!!!
Isn’t Red Stripe Jamaican?
I’m a good test taker. I would get zeroes for not doing my homework, but then get a high enough grade on the tests to balance it out.
I was never great at memorizing details, but if I understand something, I can usually “logic” my way to the right answer.
For example if you asked what year did the civil war start, I wouldn’t be able to tell you, but if you asked what war started in 1861, I’d know it was the civil war.
Sadly, the Americans who have seen those movies came to the same conclusion.
I’m sure we’ll all be surprised when those games are all rereleased at $70 each.
I’m curious what they have available over there. Most of our microbreweries don’t reach outside of their own state, let alone internationally.
I’m confident that we have some brews that could go head to head with their best, and I bet they have some that could compete with our worst.
Silver Eye! Chapter 5 in the Silver card game just rolled out this week, and Silver Fang should be out later this month.
I highly recommend Silver as an easy pick it up and go kind of game. In my house we often don’t feel like getting everything out (and eventually putting it all away) for the bigger games, and often just grab the quick and easy ones to pass the evening.
Fuck the police.
Id say the difference is people telling you to “get a job” vs “You’re going to do this job and get whipped”
That’s funny, my wife and I used to joke about retiring in Greece someday. But they haven’t legalized weed yet.
Can I ask what you worked on that made so many people upset?