Jojo, Lady of the West

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Again, I agree with you. I just see the danger of refusing to acknowledge how a group conceptualizes their own position, even if they’re being deliberately blind to other factors.

    And I wish people could spend more effort trying to understand each other’s perspectives, because otherwise how does it ever change?

    I’m only barely talking about pro-life/anti-choice or pro-choice/pro-death here, too. The same kind of thinking and focusing on aspects the other person isn’t addressing is everywhere in discourse these days. And a lot of them are very close to home for me and I guess I want them to be able to consider my perspective. But they won’t, because they think of the world this way, so they see me as a problem and a problem-causer just by being me.

    Any way… Rant over I guess