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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I usually buy pea protein from MyProtein online. I personally find whey proteins to be way too sweet. The only issue is that it’s thicker, so I need to use a blender, rather than one of those shaker cups.

    Find a basic flavor like vanilla, and add fruit (usually banana for me.) You can add a non dairy milk of your choice, if you don’t want to use water. Soy milk works well, and has bonus protein.

  • I mean, the big philosophical divide between liberal and conservative judges is usually whether or not the constitution is a “living” document. That is, whether it can be interpreted through a modern lens, or if laws must be strictly limited by what is exactly written in the document.

    I would argue that it’s easily the former, since, one, they explicitly allow amendments to the Constitution, and, two, there is a session of the Bill of Rights where they basically say, “we can’t possibly list all the rights that people are entitled to. This list is by no means comprehensive, and just because something isn’t in here, it doesn’t mean we’ve left it out on purpose.”

    I agree that the constitution is very flawed, and that we would probably be better off without it, but one thing they were very clear on: no kings. The Trump immunity ruling was not only legal nonsense, it was clearly not an originalist interpretation (what the conservatives claim to be.)

    When you take into account all of the rulings that this current court has made, it’s quite clear that they just start with the conclusion that they want, and reason backwards to get the justification. Once you’re at that point, I’m not sure that it really matters what your legal system is based on; they’re just doing make-em-ups anyway.

  • I think that a lot of those people likely live in a very car dependent, suburban area, and therefore don’t get any regular interaction with people outside of their immediate family.

    I live in a city, so I have regular infractions with people that I know when I’m out and about: I pop into the butcher shop, coffee shop or green grocer and talk to the employees I know. I walk the dog, and run into friends and acquaintances that live the next neighborhood over, etc. People in rural areas usually have similar sorts of relationships with people in the area.

    Contrast that with the suburbs, where neighbors may know each other to say hello to, but not much past that, and it’s hard to build any kind of relationship with the barista at the drive-through Starbucks or any employees at the local Kroger superstore.

  • Just use your hand. If the beer is in a bottle, leave it so the neck is sticking out of the ice water and spin it that way (this also works very well for wine.) If it’s a can, stick it in vertically, and spin it for 30 seconds at a time or whatever you can stand.

    Even if you aren’t constantly spinning it, it will still get cold much faster than any other method. I’ve worked in bars and restaurants for 15 years, and this is my go to, in case of emergency method for chilling beverages.

  • Yeah. Just to be clear, the reason all those Dems voted against this appropriations bill was that it contains carve outs for things like abortion, among other things the far-right caucus wanted. As a result, it will never pass the Senate.

    There will now be a lengthy back and forth between the two chambers to try to get a reconciled version passed, and morons like Butthead and Troll-foot can grandstand and repeat Russian talking points to the public.