The “Trim” browser extension adds rotten tomatoes and IMDb ratings to most Netflix thumbnails… It’s not much, but it helps me avoid some of the trash they push
The “Trim” browser extension adds rotten tomatoes and IMDb ratings to most Netflix thumbnails… It’s not much, but it helps me avoid some of the trash they push
I saw the picture before reading the text, and thought “oh no what has Elizabeth Holmes done now.”
We’re number one! We’re number one!
Netenyahu: those are rookie numbers, we gotta bump those numbers up!
I think the old man is Ian.
Yeah, and the ghost pepper is medium spicy…
Switch to Firefox, be happy.
Yeah, I saw Oklahoma bought a bunch of Trump Bibles for their schools. This is the stupidest timeline.
4 7
Hog warts
If that’s happening in Seattle, I’m afraid to find out what’s happening in places like Texas
It’s getting too hard to tell satire from reality.
And FIFA recently chose them to host the World Cup.
Is that Benji Wyatt?
They should replace “fair and balance” with “transphobia and race-baiting”
Here’s my surprised face 😐
Old people crew checking in to shout out Tux Racer!
Lina Khan is the most useful bureaucrat in at least a generation.
“killed in surprise encounter” Makes it sound like he walked around a corner, saw them, and had a heart attack.
I hate white Jesus