Also Not a lot of Zeppos out here.

  • 29 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • That’s understood, and what is your practical solution for that? Sweeping political and economic revolution is unlikely to come to the US anytime soon. In the meantime, we have one party that denies that climate change exists at all and one party that acknowledges it is real. Also, this is the usual “I’m so leftist” thing where you spent several paragraphs criticizing the Democratic party without saying a single thing about the horror of Republicans.

  • “Waahhh” huh? What a ridiculous reply.

    Okay, how’s Tommy Tuberville? But who cares. I’m not visiting your “x” link but sources I’ve seen don’t even have pelosi in the top 10. Republicans are just obsessed with attacking her even now that she’s not Speaker. Talk about “waahhh”. That’s fine, if you want to engage in massive hypocrisy, wring your hands about imaginary problems and pretend everything bad is democrats, that’s very on brand for conservatives.

    Anyway, yes, you should be concerned about ethical lapses of Congress members even if you don’t recognize their names.