Batman (also known as Batman: The Movie) is a 1966 American superhero comedy film directed by Leslie H. Martinson. Based on the television series, and the first full-length theatrical adaptation of the DC Comics character of the same name, the film stars Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin. The film hit theaters two months after the last episode of the first season of the television series. The film includes most members of the original TV cast, with the exception of Julie Newmar as Catwoman, who, in the movie, was replaced by Lee Meriwether.
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What are the odds that I just saw this episode of The Simpsons today for the 1st time ever, and you are posting this image?
(I never saw the Simpsons before, I am in a quest for fixing that).
I don’t know. Maybe the Matrix is glitching again. Let us know if you see the same black cat two times.