# The Sara Nelson-led Seattle City Council passed their first city budget in an 8-1 vote. It greenlit the mayor’s plan to slash investments in affordable housing and social services and trim 48 staff positions in order to boost police spending by 16% and close a large deficit without raising new taxes.
Part of the cause of the budget shortfall is a 23% pay raise for the SPD.
And all this after the SPD’s dirty politicking during the BLM protests. That department should have been shut down, the officers banned for life from ever being police again, and then the city starting again from scratch, with proper accountability at every stage.
Part of the cause of the budget shortfall is a 23% pay raise for the SPD.
And all this after the SPD’s dirty politicking during the BLM protests. That department should have been shut down, the officers banned for life from ever being police again, and then the city starting again from scratch, with proper accountability at every stage.