Guy #1 is correct and I wouldn’t say guy #2 is confidently incorrect, as he only sent one message.
Some Pythagori in this thread as well :)
I’m genuinely confused, what is incorrect here? Tax deduction is not done?
Guy #1 calculates the payment per month. Guy #2 tries to “correct” him by calculating the payment per year. Guy #1 suggests that Guy #2 divide his answer by 12.
Guy #1 said Blake Griffin earns 2.8 million per month. If that is correct, the math chexk
Right, but the $50k figure mentioned is a yearly salary, not a monthly income. If you paid $4,500 a month on a $50,000 salary, you would pay $54,000 in child support per year, which is more than your total income.
It’s definitely odd to swap timescales, though. Almost like he was baiting people to be wrong.
I want to get to the bottom of this OP. Do you think that the guy who said pythagoras is the one that is confidently incorrect?
Yes, first guy is confidently incorrect, pythagorus lived over 2,500 years ago, so the chances of him operating that twitter account are slim at best.