Rep. Paul Gosar said that the ā€œhomosexual-promotingā€ general ā€œwould be hungā€ in a better society.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) called for the execution of General Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a homophobic tirade this weekend.

In his newsletter this weekend ā€“ published to his Congressional website ā€“ Gosar accused Milley of being a ā€œhomosexual-promoting-BLM-activistā€ who delayed the militaryā€™s response to the January 6 riot. An election denier, Gosar has in the past claimed that he ā€œstarted the revolution,ā€ referring to the insurrection.

    1 year ago

    Itā€™s really three parties though, the Liberals have needed the Nationals quite often in order to gain the house. Plus last election we saw a surge in support for independents, who are actually being extremely effective in both Parliament and Senate. Lastly, year-on-year the Greens poach more from both sides as climate change becomes topical.