To be fair, if you have an engineering degree that covered programming you probably learned C, ASM, and low level details about system architecture. The definition of “engineer” seems a little looser when you’re taking about IT compared to some other fields.
If you don’t know which path the electrons are taking on the silicon wafer, you’re a bad engineer.
in my quantum computer they take all the paths at once
Assembly gang unite against C-wannabees 🔥🔥
VHDL gang unite against the assembly-wannabees 🐝 🐝 🐝
Unless you’re analyzing what microcode is doing with it, assembly is just hiding how things really work, too. Good engineers use early 1990s computers so that they can fully understand what’s going on, and never have to trust anyone else to correctly do anything.
Real engineers run all their code on CPUs they designed in verilog/VHDL.
Real engineers use binary.
Lay off me! I’m still trying to learn 6502 assembly.
As someone who has not written a line of code since basic was cutting edge, I hereby throw the entire weight of my expertise behind the supremacy of C
Memories. I remember copying my first BASIC code from a magazine. All it did was display a solid color on the monitor when you pressed any key. Back then my only resources were magazines and the video rental/computer shop owner that loved answering all of my questions. I’m pretty sure he could’ve sold his ponytail to Exxon for a hefty sum, but he still smelled better than the internet does now. Lol