• 79 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Eh, it is kinda watering down the original punk, as a term for what the original punk movements represented. But that’s language. No matter what a word starts out meaning, people can use it for something else. If that new use takes off, there’s nothing that can stop it other than people as a group ceasing that usage. Isn’t that cool? See what I did there?

    Tbh though, once a word gets used a new way, and it spreads, it’s just as likely that the original usage fades away. Don’t forget that words like idiot and moron had a more clinical jargon usage originally.

    Living languages love shifting. Humans are sort of like birds with words. We collect shiny ones and play with them.

    The various _punks and _cores are just a current example of playing with words.

    As far as disliking or resisting that kind of appropriation, it can be frustrating. Anyone that was a punk back in the day would likely sneer at some of the _punk iterations, possibly calling anyone using them a fascist (and if you’ve never seen the show The Young Ones, you really should just so you can see an early version of the caricatures of what punks, hippies, and such were. Real life punks and hippies were a much more diverse and interesting thing, but less funny).

    My advice as a fellow old dude that knew some of the old school punks? Just shrug and smile. Change is inevitable, might as well just roll with it.

  • Legally, it’s location dependant as to whether the shop owner can move someone away like that. Same with whether or not filming would be okay there. Same with whether or not anyone was obligated to retreat before using force.

    That being said, the camera guy was the bigger douche, no matter what the legality was. Blocking a doorway, escalating the situation at each step, and then stepping right to pepper spray without moving away from someone else’s property. Had the shop owner followed him away, spray would be legit. Camera guy was the initiating party by doing something douchey. Everything else in the video clip stems from him being an asshole in the first place.

    That italic section is there because there’s most likely a back story to this clip, and may or may not be relevant to an appraisal of the actions in the clip itself. We can only go off of what’s there when forming an opinion on the events depicted. Too many what ifs make it dumb to even try.

  • Hell, be an rpg hero and make it a lending library to your actively playing associates.

    The only parts of my collection that I don’t lend out are the absurdly difficult to replace box kits. Even then, I’ll make copies of the material. My kid’s d&d group plays 5e, but the DM has borrowed some of my 3.x books for ideas, and has (with full supervision because I’m a little protective) had access to my spelljammer box (before they redid it).

    Besides, I may end up running a game again. Most of my regular players have expressed interest, and it’s only scheduling that keeps it from happening. Shit, I might even do a game with the original rule materials some day, the way I used to do ad&d short games (a few months of a story, or breaking out a module) when we were playing 3.x