Ještě v den inaugurace amerického prezidenta Donalda Trumpa stály akcie Tesly více než 420 dolarů. Nyní, necelé dva měsíce poté, je číslo o 42 procent nižší – kolem 240 dolarů. Vedle akcií americké automobilky oslabují i tituly velkých technologických hráčů. Propad Tesly je však kvůli...
Neither was Tesla. Tesla had maybe the most over inflated value of any company. The C suite execs knew it and have been shedding stock for years. They also have never paid out dividends, ever. The Elon hype is finally deflating.
Kanye destroyed Yeezys pretty thoroughly. Becoming a Nazi isn’t good for your brand. Who knew?
Yeezys weren’t exactly a 799$ billion business.
Neither was Tesla. Tesla had maybe the most over inflated value of any company. The C suite execs knew it and have been shedding stock for years. They also have never paid out dividends, ever. The Elon hype is finally deflating.