The Columbia graduate and green-card holder, held in Louisiana by immigration agents, dictated this letter to family and friends

  • Syun
    8 days ago

    Strange, he’s not Palestinian, he’s an Algerian citizen, and born in Syria. I could understand if someone else got it wrong, but he’s claiming this now?

    He was living in Columbia student housing but wasn’t actually a student there, and that’s a situation I don’t really understand. I’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason, but it does make one wonder why the school would let him just lead a massive protest on their campus if he’s not a student.

    Putting all that aside, I’d say he’s got a point if it weren’t for the fact that the protests he led got violent against Jewish students and went well beyond the limits of the first amendment when it veered into harassment and threats and fisticuffs. I don’t say this lightly where this current administration is concerned, but it looks to me like this guy’s actually broken the law, and is now bending the truth about his origins to score points while trying to hide behind an amendment that doesn’t protect everything he was actually involved in. Which I don’t care for any more than I do Trump’s insanity, frankly.