“All of this work is broadly applicable to the PC platform, and it’s going to continue to expand over time. Supporting multiple platforms, multiple chipsets, controllers for different machines that are out there and even ones that aren’t out yet.”
[…] Valve’s goal with the OS is to have it compatible with traditional PCs, laptops, portable consoles and any other formats.
Likely they are trying to stave off Microsoft’s crosshairs for a bit. Valve is big, but Microsoft is WAY bigger, and when they decide they want to crush you, crush you they will.
If Valve were to make SteamOS good enough that a significant market share started using it; Microsoft will start doing everything in their power to drown it out as fast as possible.
If you’re under about…35 or so, you are unlikely to remember all of the shadow corporations that came out of the woodwork under Microsoft’s control to sue anyone using Linux into oblivion and to spread lies and fear during the late 90’s and early 2k’s. If you think Google is bad, Microsoft is way worse.
Just like Microsoft crushed the iPod with Zune or Sony with XBox.
Valve is big enough and entrenched enough—and MS fucks up consumer stuff enough—that I doubt they are really at risk of being crushed.
And MS failed at crushing Linux or the major Linux vendors even during the SCO phase.
OK, we’ll, we’re not having a great experience on windows, are we?
That’s what they’re implying