I’ve never thought about it until now, the only times when I ever felt fulfilled is when I’m doing something for others and helping them achieve their goals. I myself have goals and dreams of my own but I’ve never feel motivated to work towards them for myself, it just feels like a boring chore.

And thanks to that, my life is an absolute mess now, I know what I should have done for my own good but I just couldn’t find the will to do it without someone forces me, and sometimes even that doesn’t work.

I’m not saying I’m a good person, I’m anything but a saint, I might enjoy helping others but for some I just don’t give a damn.

  • MagneticFusion@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    You just gotta learn to be a little bit selfish at times. It’s healthy and necessary. You can’t spend your whole life pleasing others if you yourself are a mess. Nobody is more important in your life than you.