Seriously, “Ensure the CEO sleeps before a certain time”
With all those skills, tasks and resposabilites they’re asking for a fucking full-stack babysitter…
Seriously, “Ensure the CEO sleeps before a certain time”
With all those skills, tasks and resposabilites they’re asking for a fucking full-stack babysitter…
Starts off reasonable, drives off the cliff of down right crazy, all for the price of a “competitive salary”
I mean competitive could mean anything - I know in this assholeish shit case it probably means fucking just above minimum wage or some bullshit - but I’d consider this position for a competitive wage of, say, US$2mil+
That’d be competitive
Yeah, but if you’re offering an actually competitive salary, more often than not you’d just state the salary because you know people would go for it…
Especially because of the connotation of “competitive salary” has developed
honestly I feel like 250 to 300k is reasonable.
$140 an hour to be basically on call for a man child 24/7.
More like $28 per hour, because you’re working 168 hour weeks not 40.
It is a competitive salary paid in crypto