I have a few family members that I help support. For instance, I installed Linux Mint on my grandmother’s PC. She doesn’t know any different and my young cousin doesn’t understand it so he finally stopped giving it viruses. I used to use TeamViewer to take over her PC when she needed support but I got my account banned because they believed I was using it commercially. Oh well!
I have Tailscale installed on the computers. This gives me SSH access. What would you suggest? RDP? Something else?
The thing about rustdesk is I don’t see how I could run it unless I am at the computer. Ideally, I’d like to be able to take control without having to walk through like, "look for an app called “rust desk”. Is there a way to open a desktop application through SSH so that it opens on their open desktop?
I’ve not run it on that platform, I would imagine they have similar capabilities in the Linux version.
It runs in portable mode by default, as you suggest this means it needs to be run each time.
So for unattended windows machine I installed it as a service and activated a permanent password for it. Problem solved!
Alternatively, you could set rustdesk to run on startup/login, so neither you nor the user needs to manually start it.