• sigmaklimgrindset@sopuli.xyz
      11 months ago

      c/Risa is inevitable, you should just start watching Star Trek.

      I started watching Deep Space 9, it’s pretty interesting so far. But I only realized halfway through the first season that it wasn’t the one with Patrick Stewart or the bearded guy that says “Didn’t happen.”

      • MrGG@lemmy.ca
        11 months ago

        How far into Deep Space 9 are you? If you find it interesting now you’ll probably thoroughly enjoy seasons 5-7.

        If you want to try watching the Patrick Stewart one (The Next Generation) I suggest starting with the pilot / first episode, then the season 2 episode “Measure of a Man” and then watch all episodes starting with season 3 onward. Keep in mind The Next Generation chronologically comes before Deep Space 9.

        • sigmaklimgrindset@sopuli.xyz
          11 months ago

          i’m not that far in at all, I just got to the episode where someone named Luxanna Troi shows up, and I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to know who she is judging by how the narrative is treating her lol. I’m assuming she’s from the Original series or Next Generation? I’m probably going to watch the older series after I finish DS9, unless the ending is like…Game of Thrones levels of bad.

          And yeah, the whole setup for the series is so interesting to me. Commander Sisko shows up to this dilapidated space port to help a formerly colonized people reestablish themselves. But like…he’s also alien god’s messenger…or something?

          I didn’t realize it was going to have a religious slant, but the clear setup of the clash of ideologies of the Federation, Bajor, whatever Quark is and…um…the Kardashians (🤦‍♀️)? It’s already proving to be really cool. I’m excited to see where it goes.

          • MrGG@lemmy.ca
            11 months ago

            Yeah a lot of stuff in Deep Space 9 is setup throughout The Next Generation, in a way it’s a spin-off of TNG. Lwaxana Troi is the mother of one of the main characters on TNG, for example. (random fact: the actor is also the widow of the creator of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry). She also acted on the original series, but played a different character.

            There is definitely a religious slant throughout the show, especially when it comes to the Bajorans or Sisko, but generally doesn’t act as a deus ex machina plot device. Okay I can think of one plot point of the top of my head where it’s a bit deus ex machina, but it’s still very enjoyable and arguably makes sense within the context of the entirety of the show. Overall I’d say the Bajoran / wormhole alien religion plays an important part in the show, but more for setting / theme and less for major plot points, and in episodes where it is a plot construct it is well done and makes sense in-universe, unlike some other shows I can think of (like Battlestar Galactica).

            Have you been introduced to the Cardassian named Garak yet? In my humble opinion Garak (and Gul Dukat, whom you’ve already met) are some of the best characters ever written for TV. The character development over the seasons is organically great, for most of the characters, really.

            There is an overall main story spread out throughout the show, which I think doesn’t really kick into full gear until season 4 I think? Deep Space 9 is different from the other Star Trek shows in that the other shows generally don’t have an overarching story, each episode is more or less self-contained, which made DS9 quite the radical contrast at the time it was released.

            • sigmaklimgrindset@sopuli.xyz
              11 months ago

              Yes Garak has been introduced already, and his relationship with Bashir! He seems very complex, and your high opinion of him has me intrigued! I can definitely start to see the threads of the overarching story (I think) with Sisko and the Bajoran religion, and something with the Cardassians (thank you for sharing the correct spelling).

              All the replies here have me excited about what’s to come!

          • EmergMemeHologram@startrek.website
            11 months ago

            Lwaxana is a great character if you’re familiar with TNG, she’s good on DS9 too but much better if you know more about her.

            DS9 gets much better as you go on. The characters get better, and the plot gets quite good. You just have to get used to the long seasons compared to modern shows (but they make for great as meme fodder).

            The ending is not like GoT, I liked it.

      • Stovetop@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        I watched Lower Decks and am also tempted to jump on the Star Trek binge, if only to rewatch Lower Decks again and better catch all of the references.

        Granted, I caught a lot of them just by being someone who has used the internet for my entire adolescent through adult life, but I know there’s a lot more good stuff out there to enjoy.

        • sigmaklimgrindset@sopuli.xyz
          11 months ago

          I am really enjoying DS9 tbh. It’s an older show so maybe the aesthetics aren’t as clean, but it’s been making me contemplate a lot of larger social issues that I don’t really think about. Also kind of weirdly relevant in today’s times.

          I don’t know about any of the other series, but Next Generation was technically the one I watched was trying to watch, so I’ll eventually get to it. Maybe I should have done release date order.