With the use of Heroic game launcher, I’m wondering if you all preferred to play your GOG version of games over the Steam version. I can go either way but sometimes I pause and think, having two copies of the same game, one on steam and one on GOG, which one would give me a better gaming experience. For example, I may choose the GOG version because I don’t have to deal with pre-shader work being downloaded every so often. I can just into my games. Yet, Steam achievements and seeing the game’s metadata is always life: seeing the game info, store page, community stuff about the game, and more all there. So what do you chose? GOG game or the Steam game.

    • TheSun@slrpnk.net
      10 months ago

      Not OP but look for games that say remote play together on Steam. As long as you own the game you can invite your steam friends to play with you and they join your host game without needing to purchase. An example I’m familiar with that works good is human fall flat.

      Edit: start the game, open friends menu, open chat with friend, invite to play together or whatever it says on the banner