Honestly watching people deny that COVID was real as it happened around them in real time kind of drove home to me that there was no way they’d recognize climate change. The longer time scale, and the fact that it’s more difficult to link a specific disaster to a specific cause (vs uncle bob coughed on someone, then they went to the hospital and died) I think means climate change will be hard mode.
Honestly watching people deny that COVID was real as it happened around them in real time kind of drove home to me that there was no way they’d recognize climate change. The longer time scale, and the fact that it’s more difficult to link a specific disaster to a specific cause (vs uncle bob coughed on someone, then they went to the hospital and died) I think means climate change will be hard mode.
Yeah. You hear stories about dancing plagues or witch trials and you think that humanity had gotten over that part. We’re somewhat more enlightened.
Then this shit happens.