Hey. I often have met friends and partners through mental health agencies, support groups and peer support groups. I have also dated the neurodiverse when I’ve met them through work. I almost exclusively have a social network of oddballs and before that it was oddballs and alcoholics/junkies.

The people I get along with are often schizo-bipolars, bipolors, borerlines and ASD.

At times people have been suspicious of me because though I don’t drink I do other drugs. People get worried that drug use itself is evidence I would try to get vulnerable partners on drugs. That would be evil and most users are not. When I was addicted I either with a married woman who was disappointed I didn’t use heroin, who had ASD. Her friend had contacted lies about me and got a group of people to go along with her BS.

Or I was with a woman I didn’t love who loved me more than any other one did and kinda broke her heart by stringing her along as I was high all the time. I feel bad about it but I didn’t get her started on drugs.

Some people are also cynical about why I would utilize groups, comparing me to Ed Nortton in Fight Club. While I identify with the movie in certain anarchist and bipolar ways, I am not faking anything.

I have led the groups at times and thought I might work in the field. I definitely will not after meeting dozens upon dozens of troubled folks.

It’s tough to try to be open with all groups about who I am. NT and Heteronormatives are suspicious about dating the neurodiverse or having a good proportion of LGBT friends as well.