I frequently bring up the fact that being a druid is what lead me to being a leftist. Just found this quote and I think it sums things up much better then I could.

We therefore recognize that our individuality is only an illusion, or a temporary state while we are in physical bodies. We are therefore not subordinate to anyone or anything, but rather interdependent upon each other. We recognize that if one person hurts, everyone hurts, if one person is homeless, everyone is affected by that state, that the good of the many outweighs the good of the few. So certain political philosophies, such as libertarianism, are anathema to us. Selfishness is the greatest evil there is. We really are our brothers keeper as he is ours.

I know other forms of paganism have similar philosophies. I think is cool and important to realize that some religions can actually lead directly to communism. So next time your with your grove/coven/group start talking to people about how their beliefs have a direct political counterpart.