Deep Dive | Hideous Heart | Dense Biozone

Stage Primary Secondary Anomaly Warning
1 200 Morkite 2 Mini-Mules - Swarmageddon
2 4 Eggs Dreadnought - Low Oxygen
3 225 Morkite Black Box - -

Elite Deep Dive | Weeping Feast | Crystalline Caverns

Stage Primary Secondary Anomaly Warning
1 200 Morkite Black Box Volatile Guts Cave Leech Cluster
2 6 Eggs 150 Morkite - Lethal Enemies
3 3 Mini-Mules 150 Morkite - Elite Threat

See last week’s thread here

    9 months ago

    Driller, gunner duo on the deep dive.

    I like how I mentioned last week my goal was to go for the sub 45 achievement and being chuffed about doing it in 40. Yet this week we were almost 10 mins quicker unintentionally.

    Bought the driller expecting to be routing some pipes but sadly not needed out of bombing a dreadnought.