“And what about grocery shopping?”
I’m still learning, and I still need a car for a lot of things, but this is still greatly satisfying!
“E come fai a fare la spesa in #bici”?
Sto ancora imparando e posso migliorare, comunque non posso rinunciare alla macchina, però sono belle soddisfazioni!
I got one of those food delivery app bags, bought it straight from the manufacturer for super cheap (OFC without the branding because fuck neofeudalist gig economy apps) You could fit an adult male in there and it even turns into a backpack so I can even take it indoors.
@Omega_Haxors interesting!
Is it fast to fix it on the bike?
What is the name or website of the brand?
You have to install a metal platform for it to rest on, but once that’s on it’s just four straps to get it on and off. Can’t remember where I got it from because it was a long time since and obviously there’s no branding on the side to differentiate it.