The presidentā€™s speech at a South Carolina church did not go over well with the GOP candidate.

Joe Biden gave a speech in South Carolina on Monday, and Nikki Haley isnā€™t happy about it. Specifically, sheā€™s not happy about the part where the president called her out for her extremely cringeworthy comments about the Civil War, saying, ā€œLet me be clear, for those who donā€™t seem to know: Slavery was the cause of the Civil War.ā€


The issue of the Civil Warā€”and her commentary on itā€”has come up for Haley in the past. While running for governor of South Carolina in 2010, she described the war as a matter of two sides fighting over ā€œtraditionā€ and ā€œchange,ā€ adding that the Confederate flag was ā€œnot something that is racist.ā€ She also claimed there was no reason to take the flag down from the statehouse grounds (until five years later, after the mass shooting at the Charleston church). After Haleyā€™s gaffe in December, Jaime Harrison, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, said that her failure to mention slavery was ā€œnot stunning if you were a Black resident in SC when she was Governor.ā€