Basically title…

Background I got out of a very long and desperately unhappy and demanding relationship about 2 years ago.

Been in therapy essentially the whole time working on various issues but crucially here getting to grips with my romantic intensity.

Never had issues with respecting boundaries, but I like everyone (romantically in a purely monogamous way), and tend to get really into the people I date.

I’ve been dating off and on, met some awesome people, didn’t work out, but I’m on good terms with all even friends with quite a few so it’s been good.

Short term ex Met this person just over 1yr ago, we saw each other a lot for about 3mths (I mean multiple times a week, looking after her puppy, lunch dates with her mum without the ex, intense).

She was always icy, never seemed interested, but would say yes to whatever activity if I asked and it didn’t involve her planning or putting any sort of work in. For some reason this was like drugs to my brain and I fell hard.

Thankfully she randomly decided one Saturday to break up with me and I wouldn’t fight it (which she didn’t appreciate) so we went basically cold-turkey just under a year ago.

New relationship 2 months ago I met someone really great, she’s actually putting in the work as well and it’s going gangbusters. She’s also incredibly pretty (I’m not bad looking but not on the same level), genuinely concerned about her eyesight.

Additionally she’s constructive and genuinely into me (probably on a similar intensity level as me).

But I find myself thinking about the girl I saw a year ago increasingly often. Part of it is that I’m now concerned the relationship could end just randomly, and part of it is that it just seems easier - I don’t have to always be the one asking and I can just enjoy some dates without the stress of planning everything.

And this is messing with my head and it’s so frustrating.

TL;DR After a decade of dating women who expected everything done for them, I’m now potentially in a healthy relationship and struggling to keep my brain from thinking back to the “good old days”.

    1 year ago

    Sounds like classic self sabotage to me, I’d trust the rational part of my brain on this one. Next time you find yourself dwelling on ex sit with the weird ex feelings and see if you can examine them with some level of objectivity and see if you can tell what emotions they’re bringing up (just to try to understand better). Make third party perspective observations to the drifting of your thoughts like “interesting that you keep revisiting this moment when she was fairly shitty most of the time…”

    Monke brain is probably trying to protect you in its misguided fight or flight style. Gotta be understanding while recognizing that your rational self has a much better grasp of the real situation.