If you have “Help” instead of “Ins”, replace it with Overgod-tier. Keep pressing it, it will come.
OC, feel free to share.
EDIT; Home is now G-od tier. I didn’t know it would go to the beginning of a line, I always used macros “lol”.
If you have “Help” instead of “Ins”, replace it with Overgod-tier. Keep pressing it, it will come.
OC, feel free to share.
EDIT; Home is now G-od tier. I didn’t know it would go to the beginning of a line, I always used macros “lol”.
I have my left mouse wheel click set to home, and right mouse wheel click to end. That way I can decide if I want to be at the start of the line or the end.
Why use the mouse when you are already on the keyboard?
What if you want to be at the spot where you actually clicked the mouse?