• jwagner7813@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Mini early review of the game for me.

      Tldr: for the quality and what I’ve played so far, $25 is 100% worth it.

      The game is in essence multiple mini games that culminates into, find materials, use said materials to build up restaurant and continue to progress. The game absolutely BLASTS you early on with tons of things to collect, which is FINE! initially, it sucks though because your at barebones upgrades and things are difficult to do consistently because of it.

      But as you progress you get stronger and the game cycle gets easier but with new enemies, collectibles, etc to do and see. The underwater zones change so things get pretty different consistently. The game also has great charm and sounds. Every area has its own look and feel, with a good and not too overdone comedy. Lots of cutscenes can be skipped too which is awesome.

      My only gripe so far (still early) is combat is kind of basic and clunky, but manageable.

      I give it a great early thumbs up and a recommendation.

      • HorseWife@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I pretty much agree with all this - the combat’s not the best but it’s definitely good enough for what they’re trying to do. It’s my current GOTY!

      • HorseWife@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I beat it now and I would say yes! It’s very fun. There’s a lot more to do after you beat it if you’re into that sort of thing.

  • Factorio.

    Utterly, unhealthily obsessed, and no end in sight.

    It’s good for me because the focus is building, with some defensive combat on the side; I’ve tried Mindustry to try to get the same time sink on my phone, and I’ve learned that I don’t like tower-defense style games; but civilization building (-like) is addictive.

    Excellent game, runs like a dream on Linix. Lots of fun.

    Is there anyone who’s tried Factorio who doesn’t like it? I haven’t come across a Factorio rant yet.

          • Did you learn anything you could pass on? Every “tutorial” I read or watch just keeps talking about zones, but nothing explains why trains can’t find a path to the destination when some signals are omitted.

            I suspect there’s something involving signals going in the opposite direction that influence the internal logic, but that’s not explained anywhere I have found yet. I spend so much frustrating and un-fun time dicking around with the stupid trains.

  • topazlad@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Halls of Torment. It’s insanely addicting and I must have put about 13 hours in the first two days. It’s like if Diablo meets Binding of Isaac is the best way I can think of to describe it. Check it out if you haven’t heard of it.