This was a while ago, but the person who leaked a report about Russians hacking voter registration rolls in the leadup to the 2020 election was named Reality Winner. She was also the first person charged under Trump’s Espionage Act, which Trump himself is now facing.
Littlejohn? As in like Littlejohn from Robinhood?
An actual man named Littlejohn stole the tax records of the wealthy and leaked to the public.
The writing this season really has gone off the rails.
This was a while ago, but the person who leaked a report about Russians hacking voter registration rolls in the leadup to the 2020 election was named Reality Winner. She was also the first person charged under Trump’s Espionage Act, which Trump himself is now facing.
Also those two dudes working with Giuliani had a business named Fraud Guarantee.
Those fucking guys looked like guys who would run a business with that name.
Who leaked the Panama Papers? I remember people died or were in danger.