Thanks brexit

    9 months ago

    It’s kind of crazy to me that we’ve gotten to the point where people don’t understand that things can be installed on computers from places other than the “official app store”.

    Like, if you use Windows, you are “sideloading” all the time. Anytime you install something that didn’t come from the Microsoft store, which is a fair amount of popular software.

    Because that’s how this shit is supposed to work. You have a computer, that you own, and the ultimate authority over what goes on that computer lies with you, the owner, and no one else. If it can run on the computer, you run it, and no one can tell you no.

    But these tech companies have so thoroughly trained so many tech illiterate people and an entire generation of young users into accepting the locks and restrictions all around them as the norm. They’ll punish you for even attempting to break those locks and use the computer you paid for the way you fucking want. It’s really fucking sad there isn’t more hard pushback on this.