An email just sent by MUFON addresses a cyber attack last week that took their sightings’ database offline. This is the first official statement I’ve seen on it and I’ll post a link once available. The attack does seem crippling to their research, though the full extent may yet to be determined.

CMS Update

Anymore, it seems that everyday we hear of Cyber attacks on major institutions around the world. Banks, Credit Bureaus, Libraries, Department stores and more.

Last week, MUFON was the victim of such an attack. Our CMS was knocked offline.

This attack was of a high level of technological skill and points out the importance of MUFON and the work we do and the status of world leader in UFO/UAP research and investigations, that some person, group or company would go to that much effort to try to stop us.

It is also important to note that this, as well as any past crisis, resulted in a tremendous outpouring of help and assistance which came from our membership. Once again, our members stood up in support of MUFON and its goals and ideals.

Forensic investigations are currently being conducted which has delayed our ability to reopen the system. We expect to be back in service, hopefully in a matter of days.

Here is where we are at the time.

All but a tiny bit of the CMS data is intact and safe. No critical data has been compromised or lost. All sites and programs have been recovered.
Our PR team is in full swing and making a difference. Restoration work is in process.

Due to the nature of the forensic investigations, there is little more that I can publish at this time.

We thank each and every one of you for your loyalty and support.

EDIT: Follow up email


Headquarters would like to assure all members that your memberships and all of your information is safe. The cyber-attack mentioned was not to our membership database, our website, or to our MUFON U site. This was isolated to our reporting site (CMS) which was knocked offline. We will open up our reporting site once the investigation is done and we are given the go-ahead.

Thank you for your patience!