This raccoon has been destroying my roof and scaring my dogs at night for months and I finally had enough. I crawled out my window in my underwear with a flashlight and a Microtech Halo in my teeth (admittedly idk what my plan was here, just enjoy the imagery) and tried to scare it off the roof but it crawled down my chimney instead. I trapped it in there by stuffing some heavy blankets tightly inside but that’s not exactly a long term solution. I’ve got the gas shut off so I don’t kill myself and my dogs with carbon monoxide from the water heater – so I did at least plan that far ahead, but not much further… I don’t really want to hurt the little guy but I can’t have him continuing to tear apart my soffit for shelter.
Some quick searching… I would go with trained specialist, if not, make sure to wear ppe and to use correct equipment, plan really well.
Step 1: Identify if You Have Raccoons
Step 2: Put on Protective Gear
Step 3: Set Up the Live Trap
Step 4: Check the Trap Regularly
Step 5: Release the Raccoons
Step 6: Clean Up the Area
Yt vids
This one has a good explanation.
on roof at around 1:30 mark
Crazier way of doing it.
Only thing I would change after getting rid of raccoon is, use chimney Caps with smaller holes if mice/rats are in area. Mice can enter holes the size of a US dime and rats can enter holes the size of a US quarter.
edit: format, words