I still can’t swallow what’s going down in the 66th district of the Great State of Michigan (and most likely in other districts as well, but as they say, vermin prefer the darkness and silence). Remember: you of the 66th district voted for this misguided soul and you of the 66th have done nothing in regards to his removal from office. Silentium dat consensum.

After ca. a month of Rep Schriver having his budget and staff stripped for his continued online espousal and propagation of “white-nationalist, far-right conspiracy theory”, it took House Minority Leader Matt Hall all that time to finally issue a carefully-worded, no-sharp-edges statement in regards to Rep Schriver’s…ermmmm…questionable behaviour…

Hall did not use the word “racist” in describing the “great replacement” post that Schriver shared on the social media platform X, and his comments fell short of the condemnation Democrats have requested. But Hall said lawmakers and other public servants “have to understand how other people feel about the words you use.”

On Wednesday, Hall said he’s discussed the issue with both Schriver and Tate and has encouraged Schriver to communicate in a more effective, inclusive and sensitive way, though Hall stopped short of saying he had encouraged Schriver to apologize.

Hall said he’d never heard of “replacement theory” before Schriver brought it to his attention.

The entire statement misses the mark by just so much…of course, that’s in my less-than-humble opinion.

Alt links and further reading:

  • Via archive.is
  • Read how tone-deaf DetNews columnist Kaitlyn Buss tries to equate Tlaib’s diatribes with Schriver’s mere “reposting” as freedom of speech(via archive.is)