• NJSpradlin@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Or candidate 1:

    I’m going to stop helping a different pony farmer from their neighbor who’s actively killing their staff and stealing their ponies, and says they’re entitled to their neighbor’s ponies and to kill their neighbors because they can, and no one can stop them.

    I’m also going to withdraw from the neighborhood watch and patrol, and defund all pony riding training, also remove individual rights to enjoy the pony-verse as you’d desire, so you can only enjoy it my way (which is predisposed to enrich me at your expense).

    I also endorse other bullying neighbors to take what they want, instead of defending our sovereignty on our own pony farms. And I absolutely support the full capitalization of the pony-verse, to include up to 80% of your visual range being adds (before inducing seizures), and then* due to my sponsors’ demands I also will require you to pray to either me or Pony-Jesus only.


    So, yeah. Let’s accept that both candidates aren’t perfect but one is a fucking monster and hates ponies.

    Edit: it appears the person I replied to edited his comment to add more nuance.

    My comment still stands, the nuance here is actively shooting yourself in the foot, stripping yourself of your own rights, and voting for the downfall of democracy world wide or voting for a guy that is playing by the rules and trying bolster democracy while trying to use democracy, working together with the parties you’ve been given regardless of their beliefs, to better everyone as a whole. Sure, single issue this, or single issue that. But, holy fuck you can’t both sides this. One is actively tearing down democracy, drinking and selling the Russian propaganda to their people and stripping you of your rights.

    Not voting IS empowering the fascist, and that’s the point. They’re actively promoting disenfranchisement AND using propaganda to turn you away from voting for their enemy, because they know the progressive wing has the power if they unite and denounce the* lies for what they are.
