• barsoap@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    So now the person back-tracking on their “facts” is claiming others should do better research.

    I’m not back-tracking. If you say “unconscious”, obviously in the sense of “the unconscious”, you’re referring to Freud.

    Same as when you say “Vulcan” you’re referring to Gene Roddenberry, not Urbain Le Verrier.

    Your first instinct was to attack the messenger, not the message.

    My brother or sister in Discord I’ve been attacking the message for literally at least ten comments before I went personal. I can’t even make sense of it as you can’t even tell me what you think is actually bunk about Freud. All I’m seeing is “has been discredited”, without elaboration, and that reeks of “no I don’t want to look there”: You’re not even bothering to figure out what you disagree with.

    Fine, don’t, for all I care. But if you don’t want to, why are you so invested in this thread. Is that a question you can answer?

      • barsoap@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        Can you expand on what you mean by “a lot of stuff”? Anything particular come to mind?

        Or are you expecting me to defend everything he said whole-sale? Which I wouldn’t, because there’s aspects which he got wrong, heck I agree with e.g. all of Adler’s and Jung’s critiques of Freud. I disagree with all of them on Hypnosis.


        In a nutshell? Because it’s nonsensical. If you throw out all of Freud modern psychiatry, psychology, psycho-anything, loses very core theoretical aspects. If you throw out all his therapeutic approaches, you’re throwing out evidence-based treatments.

        • Ross_audio@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          You don’t have to throw out anything. Everything that’s right has now been through peer reviewed studies authored by other people.

          The problem is most of what Freud said is wrong, you can be a psychoanalyst without a medical degree because it isn’t a medical field.

          Modern psychiatry is a separate subject and you’re happy to defend psychoanalysis and conflate it with psychiatry.

          Which would be no different to conflating nutritionists and dietitians, chiropractors and physiotherapists, or, to quote Dara O’Brien, dentists and toothologists.