• s20@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I… don’t get you. I feel really dumb, but you’re going to have to explain it to me a bit more.

    I get that no one is better than anyone on a basic human rights level. That makes intuitive sense to me. And I’m all for a cultural paradigm shift. I’m also 100% in favor of a massive overhaul of the entire government, up to and including a complete re-write of the Constitution and the bill of rights (I feel like we, as a nation, can do better than a founding document that defines some humans as being worth only 3/5ths of others, for instance).

    But how?

    • cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
      1 year ago

      Nah, based off your other comments and what you know about the constitution and bill of rights, I don’t think you come off dumb.

      To be fair, this is pretty high concept stuff because while its something that could be done in theory, putting it into practice takes a lot of work.

      The only way I have seen ideologies change over time is by basically social engineering them out. In order to do that, you need a lot of people on your side who are also willing to push that agenda. So we would need a lot of people doing things like making memes, having discussions like this, essentially popularizing the idea that we don’t need to feel better than others in the sense of, what class do they belong to.

      This does already exist but not in a strong way like the other side is, the one that holds all the power. People in charge or in places of authority, billionaire types, etc. they all have the upper hand.

      This brings me back to why I don’t vote and why I don’t participate in certain things that people try to scare me into doing basically.

      By not participating, I’m removing myself from this sided argument - after all, there are no options for me to vote for, I don’t see any politicians ever wanting to actually change things, they only want to change things within how the system works already. I’m refusing to take part in something I never agreed to and have no real say in.

      people have even told me, there isn’t a real option to opt out of voting - and that by not voting, I’m actually still voting but now all the votes unaccounted for get factored into the other side winning. That’s fear mongering.

      If I’m not voting, then I’m just straight up not voting. It shouldn’t be able to work the way people are describing it because then its like not voting isn’t a possibility that exists in reality. Yet I’m here in reality, not voting.

      This is all unfortunately a mind over matter issue where people who have the upper hand, refuse to let anyone else think that otherwise cause then they wouldn’t have the upper hand to control people’s lives.

      But to actually pull that off, you would need to just be better at convincing people. I only have the energy to try sometimes. Most people want to pushback on this ideology because the current one fits them better. And they don’t give a shit about other people because again, they probably see themselves as better than who ever else there is out there.

      • s20@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Okay, I think I understand now.

        What you’re talking about sounds wonderful. It sounds hopeful, like things could actually change. It’s not all that crazy to think it could work. It’s not really all that different from what the Founders were setting out to do, but with an extra two and a half centuries of cultural advancement and the knowledge that all people really are created equal - not just white dudes who own property lol.

        So yeah. I get what you’re saying. And I can totally respect it. And anyone saying you not voting helps the opposition is kinda missing the point of opting out. Kinda like I was missing the point until someone (you) finally took the time to explain it properly, and I took the time to listen.

        So thank you.

        • cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
          1 year ago

          No problem! I see this discussion a lot online and have had it in person with people I cared about at the time, only to learn that they thought my ideas were too radical and now they won’t talk to me.

          So its pretty refreshing to have someone understand it too!