• nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]@hexbear.net
    2 years ago

    Until that “true change” you’re talking about happens, I’m not willing to sit by and let women, immigrants, minorities, and LGBTQIA+ people get fucked over even worse than I am. And fuck you if you are.

    Did you vote for Biden? So you voted and still got roe v wade overturned. You voted and Biden has continued the staggering majority of Trump’s inhumane border policies. You voted, and we’re one well-timed court case away from the SC overturning gay marriage. Congratulations, the better guy won and all the same shit happened.

    • s20@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      you voted and still got roe v wade overturned.

      Roe v Wade got overturned by a Supreme Court that was stacked by the Republicans during the previous administration you absolute waste. You’re literally arguing against your own point.

      And again: what fucking part of any fucking word I’ve typed makes you think I’m happy with the Biden administration.

      Oh, wait! You’re not actually reading anything I’m saying! You’re just shifting goalposts and regurgitating talking points! Holy fuck, it’s like talking to a communist version of my mother.

      Don’t talk to me unless you actually know something. Take your useless idealism elsewhere.

      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]@hexbear.net
        2 years ago

        Roe v Wade got overturned by a Supreme Court that was stacked by the Republicans during the previous administration you absolute waste. You’re literally arguing against your own point.

        And what is your vote doing to stop that? Anything at all?

        Oh, wait! You’re not actually reading anything I’m saying! You’re just shifting goalposts and regurgitating talking points! Holy fuck, it’s like talking to a communist version of my mother.

        I’m reading what you’re saying, it’s just so dumb and trite it might as well be embroidered on a tea cozy

        • s20@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          I’m reading what you’re saying, it’s just so dumb and trite it might as well be embroidered on a tea cozy

          The fact that I feel the same way about you probably indicates that this is a pointless waste of time on all sides.

          And what is your vote doing to stop that? Anything at all?

          In the Biden election? Nothing. Roe was done for as soon as Trump won. It was on life support, but people refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils pulled the plug.

          I’m tired dude. I’m just so fucking tired.

          Do what you want. You’re not gonna accomplish any more than I am so I’m not sure why I cared enough to get worked up. We’re all fucked no matter what. Do your little protest vote or whatever the fuck. I’m sure it’s gonna do so fucking much.

          • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]@hexbear.net
            2 years ago

            Roe was done for as soon as Trump won.

            Why did Trump win? Did it have anything to do with the Clinton campaign choosing a pied pipe strategy where they boosted everything Trump did in the primary and ignored all the less fascist candidates? Do you suppose that continuing to use that tactic is good? The Democrats continue to use their donations to amplify the furthest right candidates in races, and they do not have anywhere near a 100% success rate in defeating those fascists they intentionally amplify. To make the point, money given to the DNC is, in some small proportion, money given to the RNC because the DNC would prefer to amplify worst case scenarios to improve their chances instead of offering GOOD CANDIDATES to entice voters. Supporting that is supporting the rightward slide of everything.

            It was on life support, but people refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils pulled the plug.

            That’s one way to see it - the same way the DNC paid pundits and managers see it, since it validates them. Another way to see it is, the Democrats steadfastly refuse to offer a better alternative.

            Do your little protest vote or whatever the fuck. I’m sure it’s gonna do so fucking much.

            You know that voting for Biden resulted in a worse world, and here you are sneering at anyone who thinks that was a waste.

            edit: let’s address Obama, too - he had a fucking SC appointment, and instead of doing anything serious to seat a good candidate, he fucking punted on the assumption - the incredibly stupid assumption - that Clinton would win. Obama is why Roe is gone. So your vote for Obama was also a vote for letting Republicans pick a SC candidate. Can’t you connect the dots? It doesn’t matter how hard you vote for Democrats. They will always let the Republicans win, because they’re both paid by the same masters.

            You’re not gonna accomplish any more than I am so I’m not sure why I cared enough to get worked up

            one more edit: the distinction is you keep repeating shit everybody knows, whereas I (and other leftists) are trying to explain you to a new concept. It’s clear you’re not listening, but I’ll keep trying until you give up.

            • s20@lemmy.ml
              2 years ago

              the distinction is you keep repeating shit everybody knows, whereas I (and other leftists) are trying to explain you to a new concept

              I keep repeating shit because you keep not hearing me. You still think I’m trying to defend the Democratic party. You still think I find the Biden administration defendable. If you understand “lesser of two evils” so well, why do you think I’m trying to defend a party I keep calling evil?

              So I’ll tell you what, I’ll deal with the “new concept” part of what you said when you explain that to me. Once I understand why you think I’m defending a position that I haven’t once defended, I might be able to move on.

              • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]@hexbear.net
                2 years ago

                You, a smart guy: you should vote for Biden because lesser evil

                Me, a complete idiot: no, you should not


                • s20@lemmy.ml
                  2 years ago

                  I didn’t say Biden. I never said Biden. I never brought up his name. I at no point defended the actions of his administration or his party.

                  All I said is that the other guy is worse, which means you vote to try to have it not be the worse one. That’s explicitly not a defense of any party. It’s an attack on them both. I’d repeat my initial phrase, but apparently even though everyone seems to think it means I’m defending someone, trying to drive it home has gotten me labeled a congenital idiot.

                  And you’ve been misrepresenting me and jumping up and down on me ever since.

                  And nobody has presented me with a better option. They just keep calling me names, saying I’m repeating myself, and saying “they’re all the same” and “Biden bad!”

                  So please, for the next election, give me an action I can take that has some sort or hope of getting us all out of this collective shit show.

                  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]@hexbear.net
                    2 years ago

                    All I said is that the other guy is worse, which means you vote to try to have it not be the worse one. That’s explicitly not a defense of any party. It’s an attack on them both. I’d repeat my initial phrase, but apparently even though everyone seems to think it means I’m defending someone, trying to drive it home has gotten me labeled a congenital idiot.

                    This is at best, an outright lie. You want people to vote for the “lesser evil”, that is an endorsement of Biden and any other Democrat.

                    And you’ve been misrepresenting me and jumping up and down on me ever since.

                    No, this is also a lie. You are a liar.

                    And nobody has presented me with a better option. They just keep calling me names, saying I’m repeating myself, and saying “they’re all the same” and “Biden bad!”

                    The better option is organize, instead of voting for the party you endorse but curiously refuse to defend. * or challenge

                    So please, for the next election, give me an action I can take that has some sort or hope of getting us all out of this collective shit show.

                    Organize, outside of the party that apparently you refuse to defend but think we should all vote for and get snotty and sneer about being questioned.

                    It’s very eye opening that “lesser evil” proponents are so cagey about the candidates they’re explicitly telling us to vote for. Genuinely curious what irrational mental space you’re in that you think you can browbeat people to vote for democrats but allow yourself to get offended when people say democrats suck ass and shouldn’t be voted for. Pick a side, you fucking weenie.

                    I want to be very clear: I used to be a reliable blue voter, for maybe fifteen years. That is behind me. Voting for shitbags who will never care about the poorest people in America is wasted effort, I will not bother myself to drive fifteen minutes to the rural voting station to endorse assholes whose only responsibility is to their big money capitalist donors.

        • ZodiacSF1969@sh.itjust.works
          2 years ago

          Lmao I can’t wait until you and your comrades try to start the revolution, shit is going to be hilarious 🤣

          Also why tf does everyone on hexbear put their pronouns in their username on a site that emphasizes anonymous interactions. No one cares about what you like to be called.