Next to the house where I live there was an empty lot, where now they’re building a house or something, they’ve been working since last year. At first, I didn’t payed too much attention, but then they started hammering the walls. For what I understand, when building a house you need to make your own walls and don’t use your neighbors. I told their boss about it and he told me:

“We aren’t nailing the wall, we are nailing the bricks.”

And they continued, I told them again, and they continued. I then decided that it was useless and decided to call the house owners, they told me to let it be. So I ignored them, maybe I was wrong, maybe is okay to use the next house walls to support yours. That was more or so a year ago, since then until now they continued hammering over and over again.

Anyway, during Holly days (last year Christmas) that group stopped working, and during new year some new people started working there and continued the hammering. It was (is) a torture specially since I work from home and I’m sick so I have to spend many time at home, but I decided I’ll deal with it, after all the house owners told me it was ok, and eventually they finally built a wall and I thought whenever they are hammering, is their wall, so I was OK with that.

As I said, I spend a lot of time home, a couple weeks ago I listen the door opening, when I went to check there was no one. I thought it was just the wind or something and continued my day as usual. That night when getting ready to go out, I couldn’t find my shoes. Since covid, I always leave my shoes near the door, so it makes no sense to be anywhere else, I looked everywhere, but I never found them.

The neighborhood have a private security (which honestly I don’t pay since is expensive), I asked the guard if he knows who own the place, maybe talking to the boss/owner will have some results. The guard asked me what happened and I told him, he then said he would talk to the owner and tell he’s boss (the guard boss) about it since it was dangerous for the whole neighborhood.

Next day the boss (of the construction workers) rang my bell, he had an angry looking and asked me if I have a problem with them using the house entry to park their bikes. I told him no, my problem was that they were throwing all the debris and trash on the entrance (they even put some giant rock they dug out on my walkway. He told me not to worry, that they’ll take them. That was before Easter.

The next day there was some beer cans and empty soda bottles all around the entrance. Last week they finally moves away some of the rocks.

Some days ago, I heard noise on the ceiling. I hit the ceiling with the stick of a mop and ask if someone was there, one of them answer me not to worry, that a tool fall on the ceiling , I then told him to not get on the ceiling.

Today, I heard some noise near the windows, I went to see and they were throwing wet concrete or cement all around the yard and to the windows.

Honestly I don’t know what to do. I can’t go anywhere else and the owners of the house just tell me to be careful since the country is dangerous (I’m not in the US) the guard also told me something similar.

    6 months ago

    You’d usually want to reach out to the city - there should be an inspectors’ office. This is usually a municipal issue.

    • chocolatepickle@lemmy.todayOP
      6 months ago

      Really good idea, but like I said, I’m not in the US, I don’t think there’s even an inspector’s office here.

        6 months ago

        When locals have a land beef the municipal government is usually responsible for resolutions. Sometimes that’s a division in city hall, sometimes it’s a justice of the peace or the mayor themselves, sometimes its a council of elders… in one instance I know of its actually the federal government - but it’d usually the local government.

    6 months ago

    They’ve been building the house for a year? What kind of house are they building where they’ve been hammering on the walls for a year?!

    Also you don’t generally hammer bricks in my experience. At any rate, unless they’re building the Taj Mahal, it shouldn’t be taking that long.

    Also why are they on your roof? They’re not building an addition to your house or anything. Something weirds going on sounds like to me.

    6 months ago

    I don’t have any good advice that won’t likely escalate or make things worse so I just want to say I feel for you, this would drive me insane.

    6 months ago

    You remove any ongoing construction projects in the area, as well as set up traps. Eventually the construction workers will migrate elsewhere. Consider calling pest control.

    6 months ago

    If your country has no government agency that you can take up a complaint like this with, your only option is probably to hire some thugs to beat up the construction workers.

    6 months ago

    Sounds like you fucked up and need to make amends with that construction crew.

    • chocolatepickle@lemmy.todayOP
      6 months ago

      What did I did to them? The only thing I can think is telling the guard that they were throwing trash and get in my house to stole my shoes. When their boss asked me if I have a problem with them using my entrance to park their bikes I told him I didn’t and I didn’t tell him about my missing shoes.