Very cool social commentary, I think better than the Orville episode with the Up and Downvote society.
Though, at the end, I did hate everybody and wanted them to be eaten.
I do question having two “doctor lite” episodes back to back.
Imteresting music choices too… Didn’t we just have the Flying Purple People Eater? Now we have Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini…
Edit My bad, Flying Purple People Eater was in X-Men '97, which I also just watched. Easy mistake to make!
If next episode is Everybody’s Heard About the Bird…
With the exception on Boom, every episode this season seems to have a huge pacing problem. To me every single one seems to drag with very little happening, until suddenly there is a massive climax that invariably is unsatisfying and makes no sense, before the episode abruptly ends. How is this the same show that gave us complex stories like Midnight or Heaven Sent in the same amount of time?
Quick rundown:
I genuinely think a lot of the themes and concepts in this series are very good, but the scripts need to be tightened up, instead of juggling so many metaphors and societal commentaries in each episode.
I actually liked this one more than I thought I would from the trailer, but once again the resolution just leaves me confused and unsatisfied.