I suggest anyone interested in the history of police militarization pick up Radley Balko’s Rise of the Warrior Cop. There are so many tiny little towns with fully kitted out SWAT teams. Cops are taught to view themselves as soldiers in hostile territory. They go to trainings where they’re taught bullshit science to encourage them to kill.
They are soldiers in hostile territory. They’re occupying indigenous land. Killing a cop isn’t murder, it’s warfare according to the proper rules of engagement.
I suggest anyone interested in the history of police militarization pick up Radley Balko’s Rise of the Warrior Cop. There are so many tiny little towns with fully kitted out SWAT teams. Cops are taught to view themselves as soldiers in hostile territory. They go to trainings where they’re taught bullshit science to encourage them to kill.
They are soldiers in hostile territory. They’re occupying indigenous land. Killing a cop isn’t murder, it’s warfare according to the proper rules of engagement.