I recently had my prostate examined, and the doctor told me that it was enlarged, but at this point not enough to need to do something about it (They told me that it was approximately double the normal size!)

I got the message that it was not a question about having to do something about it, but more of when. When I asked, when they thought this would be the right time, I was told, that when it becomes a problem

My question is, when do you consider a prostate enlargement, a problem. Sure peeing more often, and it taking longer time, is an inconvenience but not a problem as such.

What are your suggestions?

  • Fetus@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Was the exam with a general practitioner, or a urologist?

    If a GP, I’d get checked by a urologist.

    If a urologist, I’d probably ask for more information. I would want to know of any specific symptoms that might be treated as early warning signs, as well as organising an ongoing schedule of check-ups to monitor the size. It would be worth asking about treatment options as well.

  • comrade19@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Im 32 and same issue. Went to doctor for an ultrasound because im a pilot and cant pee at work. I since learnt to sit down to pee, lean forward, and push into your bladder with your fingers. You can even kindve do it when standing up. I end up doing a second wee. This takes a few seconds longer and its helped me so much in life.

    I dont have an answer to the question though haha

    • cosmicrookie@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      oh yeah - the sitting is a good tip! for me it was mainly because the lack of pressure would result in an “unreliable trajectory” so its just to be safe. But it is a better way to empty ones bladder for sure! Also a light tug at the balls to pull them forward, in order to get those last few drops that kind of sneak out once you have zipped your trousers…

      Good info!

  • BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Peeing more often will become a problem over time as essentially you’re not emptying your bladder completely each time.

    If you’re prostate is enlarged then the first step is lifestyle changes to mitigate against the enlargement. That includes drinking less alcohol and less before bed, but also importantly losing weight if over weight and improving your diet to try and slow the increase in size. The evidence isn’t great on preventing enlargement but prostate enlargement is associated with being overweight and poor diet.

    Medication becomes needed if you start getting more severe symptoms. You could choose to take these earlier but they have side effects.

    Finally if all else fails then surgery is needed to debulk the prostate. That is worth avoiding as much as possible due to the side effects - so lifestyle changes and earlier use of medication when it becomes needed are the best wya forward.