Hi everyone! I like the posts so far, but I’m wondering: What exactly is a gooner girl? The gifs don’t seem to have anything in common other than being relatively vanilla heterosexual media, and the wider interwebs aren’t immediately defining it either.

If “gooner girl” is too simplistic and this isn’t enough of a post to be worth responding to yet, then here’s another question: What does “gooner girl” (or “gooner” or “goon”, etc.) mean to you personally?

I hope it’s alright to post this here. The rules didn’t say much. Cheers!

  • Just_Pizza_Crust@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    My lived experience on that matter was a bit of both. I was fortunate enough to never get any directly abusive messages or comments, just weird ones. A guy once commented (paraphrasing), “Your wearing the wrong buttplug.” Which made me laugh my ass off all day lol. The demanding comments could be off putting though.

    I just saw it as: “Okay. The people here prefer pictures of models and OF advertisements more than interacting with actual women. Guess I’ll go elsewhere.” While there have certainly been great women with OF accounts active here (u/Rinn for example), they’re great because they choose to interact with the community organically. Accounts like u/Lorra and u/marichka are 100% why I chose to leave, not any sort of harassment. They’ll always have a much bigger impact on the community than people like u/SquirtMistress and myself, because they are able to target this instance with dozens of accounts posting daily. Also, notice the similarities between those two accounts. Both eastern European with similar posting habits, and zero comment. u/Marichka was even created the same day as u/nino_pasteloo and u/karin_masitoo, and also follow the same patterns. So I really think its a business or something running the accounts. And there are dozens of them.

    TLDR; I 100% left because I believe OnlyFans bot accounts are dominating the instance, not any sort of harassment.